are you scared paranoid about water though even though you can't swim, i bet if you could swim you wouldn't be. and wtf you can't swim? learn!!!! think its something that will come in handy one day
jess i am exactly the same, i can't swim at all. i can stay afloat for a few seconds then i need to put my feet down or hold onto the sides! once my idiot friends thought it would be funny to throw me into the pool in ibiza only they didn't through me far enough and i smacked my head of the side before rolling in. next thing i remember is waking up on a sun lounger with blood pooring from my head. moral of the story: if humans were meant to swim we'd have gills or something. leave it to the fish.
Yes so true! I can do doggy paddle...but I can't fully swim...I love being in the water and splashing around just not fully swimming!
swimming is pretty useful though...imagine if you got stuck on an island like in lost,swimming=useful. Think I spin about a bit in the shower, i usually have music on so dance about a bit. I generally face outwards but I love water and swimming so.....??? Think they do it in films so not too much nakedness is on show
I'm good, coming back monday!can't wait now!!Though I do have a sore throat....maybe Jess has Blown it over here New year was good, i was hammered. Had another funeral on Tuesday, not in the family but someone we've known a while. its getting ridiculous now. Going Shopping in Manc tomorrow!!YES!! What you been up to?think we should have some rave next week!
sweet you've gotta come there play similar tunes to prydz and angello, and everyones going so it'll uber mintos raveage
Alex that is such a load of crap I love the water and the sea and everything I have my back to the water though.... The shower is a bit high so If I faced it It would go all over my face all the time Dont want that!! I turn round when im washing my hair though so I probably go both ways