Re: Re: shit i tried to eat yesterday at work and threw up everywhere, managed to force something down me last night so now i'm starving. soapie you didn't realise i was fucked fucking class i hid it well
Re: Re: Re: shit its only coz i'm a trusting person bumface!!when someone tells me their pissed i believe them!!!i've never seen you on anything before so how was I to know thought you might have mentioned it if you had as you said you'd mite if you got tired!got tired you fell asleep !!! Ive only known your bro and puddle on them so just assumed as you said you were pissed! i've never touched them so how am i to know, though looking at the pic of you on gurn now you do look wrecked, you look like you're having a poo!i know i've just text you that but find it highly amusing now!
what you laughing for titi, at least i don't look like i'm pooing! Notice the boy infront of me's armpit sweat though....poor lad it even shows up on a white shirt! look awful!was singing along to songs though!
Don't lie everyone sweats at some point. He doesn't look like you at all though, he's a sweaty charve even if he did, I wouldn't eb admitting it if I were you