firstly where did i stick up for shindig or mention my link to the underground music scene? What i was saying is that your comment was patronising as fuck, who cares if you remember when pappa played shindig years back, that makes you no better than someone who got into him around the time he played promise, it doesn't make them clueless as you stated does it??
I think pete did figure that, all the way from your mighty clubbing pedestal. You never make any sense, there is so much wrong with that post that I am going to have to disect it into little pieces. 1. Weren't you just defending shindig, if anything (yes you were, backing Scott Bradfrod on page 1, RE Shindig Vs. Promise) so how did you come to Pete being "married" to the place from that? Is it you who secretly wants to marry Shindig? 2. How is that in anyway similiar to me and pete supporting underground tracks and DJs? 3. Since when did me and pete ever claim to support underground tracks and DJs (and is he my conjoined twin)? Maybe tongue and cheek, reffering to John 00 Fleming, because suprisingly I do have some concept of self irony. I'm into prog and trance, they are hardly an underground music phemonemon. I am most deffinitely not shindigs little house hubby, I only go to the place when they've got a Prog DJ on (as I think that most house is pretty overrated/crap) and take my pick to whoever else I know I'll like at various different nights that are on in Newcastle. I have never liked empty clubs or bars so obviously I'm not going to spend my fridays seeing "up and coming talent" at whatever bar they happen to be playing. Which brings me to my last point. I don't just chase the A listers, otherwise I'd be going to all the detoxes, chasing shit female hard house DJs with big tits assembled in the dancefloor in some sort of charver pit. and then even if I did, I certainly wouldn't book them to play my night. Most of these people are the dave pearce of hard house, you ARE the mcdonalds of clubland melt, you don't even like hard house that much yet you book the scurge of the scene to play your nights. Even the charvers from my school go to detox now and they know all the DJs. It's not some free spirited rave, it's one notch up from the new monkey and this is the reality as most people see it. Was never going to be as full on about detox, but I changed my mind. These are my facts, love them or loathe them. A few photos from the last detox...
Just got the latest edition of the Collins English Dictionary and under the word "owned" there is now a link to that post
i am hardly the mcdonalds of clubland fleming called me the saviour oh hold on thats danny habit or andy whitby :angel2:
Sorry to interupt this riveting squabble, but does anyone know whether this weekend's Shindig is Anthony Pappa upstairs & Axwell downstairs, or both downstairs?
The crowd is unparalleled melt, you and your fast food clubbers have an expiry date and your time is almost up. Recent Digital:
Christ is that unparrelled my time is definatly up.Shit sunglasses in clubs whatever next. On the last picture it looks like they let Teenwolf in..
by the looks off things teen wolf must use his fame to get the ladies... he's not doing too badly is he?! Go on Teen Wolf son!
You know what pete, you're right. And I can bet my ten pennies that them lot will know more about electro than any of the so called clubbers at detox, any day of the week!!! Also people who wear sunglasses, which ironically is cooler - would get looked down upon in somewhere like detox!