Do you wanna lend them to me?, we've got saw, team america, most of the second series of the oc (it's totally mint by the way best program ever).
I know, I was only joking it just takes ages sometimes so can't be arsed and slows the net down to much.
class avatar like, fear and loathing is th best film ever made it's has me in stiches from beginning to end.
Loved this film.. altho a bit messed up in places with the way it was put together but all in all Big Grins from me... Anyone seen the sandman .. the tune off that is wkd .. I love the effect and flash backs of them type films after i've watched them that kid still trapped inside n stuff I was crying my heart out for that teddy bear on A1 tho, that was just a bloody terrible way to end that beautiful film.
How can you say the ending was predictiable?? I don't see how anyone cuda thought 'o its the dead guy in the room'??!
ffs this board gets thicker by the minute. re-read his posts. it was a standard horror flick with an original story line but in the end it wasn't that hard to deduce who it wasn't. he never said it was the guy on the floor but it was always gonna be someone right under your nose wasn't it? thats standard plotting in hollywood and it works. tom maybe a tosser () but he is brighter than most of the new fuckwits on this board put together... not that thats hard...