I do know what you mean by that. Having faith in something is a lot different to believing the bible, or believing there's a man in the sky watching over us, for example. I sometimes wish that I had faith in something, some higher power, because I think I would have a lot more peace with myself- a lot less inner conflict. However, I just can't. Maybe I'm not open minded enough, maybe it's something that will happen as I get older. I think the power of religion scares me because it can be used to control and manipulate masses of people, and like any kind of power, in the wrong hands it is very dangerous. Religion can be used to perpetrate all kinds of hatred- racism, homophobia etc
i agree with ya there... in the wrong hands it can be very dangerous, and i've seen some people who like to do the controlling and although they appear nice they can be very sinister. although i personally know people who have been prayed for and had permanent injuries healed, very strange and also quite convincing. as i said, i dont know what i believe in but i refuse to believe in nothing. maybe its a part of some people to not want to believe theres nothing when we die. if there is nothing then there really is nothing to be afraid of in dying... if there is something then we'll have to deal with that at some point! still i dont reckon it would be all fire and brimstone. each to their own with religion, as long as people dont throw it in my face im happy... but i love theology and all the stories behind religions and beliefs.
its scary to think that the blokes who took us to war really beleive that they are not going to die they are going to heaven instead. And if there is a god it must be a psycho to have created mosquitoes
the bible is funny as fuck i think, any one watch ricky gervais animals when hes talking about the bible, its the funiest thing you can ever imagine
Aye seen it lol. Bill Hicks (that comedian who he watches in human traffic) talking about the bible is also funny as fuck !
Why don't you go and kill yourself then? What's the point in living? What's the point in life? If you're just going to die eventually and that's it, why not just kill yourself now? Nothing that you do matters surely and nothing that you ever do will ever matter, because nothing that anyone ever does will ever matter. I'm fine with people saying that they don't believe in whatever religion, but fucks me off to hear people say that "religion is for the weak minded" - who the fuck are you to say that?! Who's more weak minded? The people who believe that there is some sort of higher power and therefore some REASON for living and being on this earth, or the people who claim that there IS no reason yet keep going about their daily lives??
i would love to believe in god and jesus, i think that there was such person as jesus and i would love to think that god was his father but it just confuses me... if there is such a thing as god then why do all these horrible nasty things happen in the world such as september the 11th and the tsunami and the earthquake and things? if god could make the world and do all these powerful amazing things why cant he stop all these nasty things from happening? i feel awful saying i dont believe in him but i just find it so difficult when all these nasty horrible things are going on in our world
jesus pretty much lived, he's too well documented to just have been made up, like many biblical figures have been recorded elsewhere. bad things happen because god gave humans free will and he wont just interfere with us because adam and eve fucked it up in the garden of eden... he interfered a lot in the old testament but vowed never again after he flooded the world and saved noah's ark... obviously theres a lot more to it than that but i haven't got round to reading the bible just yet!
stupid fucking answer humans are only here through evolution. we started out as bacteria and we have evolved. if were all here to praise a god then that god must be one big headed cunt. your mincing on about saying "I'm fine with people saying that they don't believe in whatever religion, but fucks me off to hear people say that "religion is for the weak minded" - who the fuck are you to say that?!" but you told her to go and kill herself because she doesnt believe in a higher power. give your head a shake
Dobbs had a point. I've got nothing against people who don't believe in god (or another religion) but saying that those that do believe in it are "weak minded" is disrespectful at best. And if there is no god, and nothing at the end of life except death, then what is the point of continuing to live? What is the point in even trying to live a good life (as in contributing to society, helping one another as people etc) It's not like we'll get rewarded at the end of it all (if there is no god). As for your vatican quip, we've been down that road before... The weak link in any religion is the human one
Exactly To me the meaning of life is just to actually LIVE my life, enjoy living it, and hopefully contribute something to the human race Just because I don't believe in a higher power, doesn't mean that my life has no meaning and I might as well die now!!
Re: Religion nope religion only serves one purpose, for control, it fills in the gaps what science can't answer, it was used as a controlling tool by the powers that be, unfortunatly now sciene is developing more and more people are realising there is no real need for religion i dont agree with there being no real need for it, but i agree that it is basically justs ome made up story thats my opinion anyway
you and me are gunna get on m8 !!!!! religion is there just cos peep's can't get ova the fact we're here just for our life time and thats it but hey if thats what they need to get through life then fair do's just dont throw it down my neck !!!