so do alot of youse not believe in god then? i believe in god, just cant see how going to church everyday is gonna make a differance between me resting in piece or not. and the only thing that gets me is, every sngle religion thinks theirs is the one thats real because they are brought up to believe that, so whats saying mine is, thats the only argument i have, because i know their must be something else after death
nah dont belive in god or any religion i just think you live then you die simple as that , another way of looking at it as say a plant is living so when a plant dies does that go to heaven and do plants have gods same goes for every thing that has life. Every thing lives then dies thats just the way it goes but thats just my opinion on it
You made a point (other peoples beliefs getting shoved in people's faces) & I am asking if that has happened to you Your answer isnt going to cause a it
yeh ok, so what caused that, all the stuff that caused the big bang, the galaxy etc, one day it just appeared lol
ok then so if it was god that caused life is he magic and have special powers ooo and does he know merlin
I've had arguments over religion many times with my friends, and every time I come up with the same response. Religion is simply a tool that was created by the ruling classes to keep the masses under control. Think the ten commandments and you'll see what I mean "Thou shalt not steal" etc. Saying this, I don't see any problem with people believing in a religion of any sort...just that I don't personally choose to.