PVD & Ferry Corsten Interview @ ADE 2008

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Rory Space, Dec 29, 2008.

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  1. MistaK

    MistaK Modulations Staff

    May 18, 2007
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    The Beach
    your wrong :wink:
  2. Gary Proud

    Gary Proud Registered User

    Apr 4, 2005
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    What set up you got like Rossy? ;) :lol:
  3. Lamb

    Lamb Registered User

    Nov 24, 2003
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    Searching for the new sound!
    I think that is legal tbh. You have the original hardcopy, and you are allowed to back it up, your just saving yourself the time really.

    People can go on about this for ages, and it could kill every scene tbf, but its not like its going to happen instantly. Plenty of Inet providers are joining that worldwide internet piracy policing unit thing (dont know its real name) anyway.
    Mate of mine got a letter from sky with a list of tracks they had been monitored d/l illegally. It was through limewire, and if your the type of person who is d/l stuff from programs like that, you weren't very likely to buy the track in the first place.

    More people are using downloading sites, especially I-tunes. Still that doesn't help trance, house etc as you wont find every track you want on there.
    I cant even be arsed to go on about it, but i would love someone to go back in history and change it so we could constantly play vinyl, look round record shops (even HMV) for hours on end every week to buy as little as 1 track sometimes
    We used to find tracks in HMV, and hide them till we had a few quid to come and buy them :D
  4. Rory Space

    Rory Space Gonny wreck yir fucking hoose Sweat tits

    Nov 21, 2007
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    South Shields
    :lol: a use to do that lol a miss those days like, use to leave college for dinner n head to town n go bk to college hours late with the shittest excuse n a bag of vinyl :lol:
  5. BRID

    BRID Has name in red. Staff

    Jan 31, 2003
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    Ever changing
    Its simple (i think) ... lets go back to the boy george / brandon bloc / pete tong era when DJ's would get gigs regardless of their skill but because of the tunes in their collection and the various people they would blow off or deal to in order to get them

    Now the industry has moved on towards producing being 'the' way to make it big in the scene, dont try and release your tunes digitally to everyone and either keep them to yourself or to a select bunch of people.

    That way people will turn up to see DJ's play because its the only way to hear their stuff .... and nobody would really care about skanky radio/liveset rips of tunes since nobody serious about dj'ing or whatnot would ever dare to play these out.

    I think the big issue is people trying to make MONEY out of the tunes themselves which is proving to be a massive mistake and ground that everyone else has already covered and found to be a waste of time as time goes on.
  6. BRID

    BRID Has name in red. Staff

    Jan 31, 2003
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    Ever changing
    Exactly, this is a scene that was born out of people making stuff in their bedrooms and setting up club nights on the cheap. People turned up and had a good time and went home.

    ... nothing has changed about the people turning up and having a good time, but suddenly the cats at the top are suddenly saying that their being millionaires is 'crucial'. Nope!
  7. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    i agree that mp3's were bad for the scene but maybe it was about time? ridiculous fees, costs of buying the stuff - it was meant to be for ALL not just the few. i always said it went shit when i dj played a tune friday, it was downloaded the next day and some local jock just knocking out the most recent downloads was playing it the saturday night. THATS what killed it, people just ripping off OTHER dj sets lists track for track - no imagination. trance is woefully bad for this.

    i'm pretty sure early dance music producers made not a great deal but did it because they enjoyed it.

    things changed - the glory days of the mid 90's are gone and you have to admit it did disapear up it's own arse for quite a while. it's not any better yet but things change
  8. RobBrown

    RobBrown Registered User

    Dec 8, 2005
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    sod the fickle industry it can become !!

    money creates politics...politics create shit !!

    will it work on the dancefloor is the question ?

  9. Conway

    Conway helmet Staff

    Apr 16, 2003
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    As someone who buys digital downloads online, I can say hand on heart that I've never looked at someone else's chart and bought as much of their stuff as I can.

    I listen to every track I can on sites like beatport, if I like it, I buy it. I then look at all the related tracks to see if they're any good.

    Downloads have made the music we listen and dance to more accessible. If anything, it makes it easier for people to be different. It's certainly opened my eyes to artists and producers I never knew about previously.

    Those who copy their favourite DJ/artist/producer's playlist track for track, aren't just being lazy, they're missing out on discovering some mint music.

    DJing isn't just about mixing two tracks together, or even about the tracks you play, or about how you play them. Its about all of these things brought together. Thats what separates James Zabiela from someone copying his chart every week, or Eddie Halliwell from fino ;)

    People who just blindly copy their idol's playlist don't realise this, and will never make it past playing in their bedroom or the local DJ competition.

    If anything, I feel the advent of legal downloads has made it easier to weed out the wannabes from the people who actually want to make the effort :up:
  10. Lamb

    Lamb Registered User

    Nov 24, 2003
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    Searching for the new sound!
    Well if Downloads didnt come about, we would all be fucked by the credit crunch by now, and there wouldnt be any vinyl due to everyone being skint :p
  11. Gary Proud

    Gary Proud Registered User

    Apr 4, 2005
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    Judging by the City centre & Silverlink the past few days this recession doesn't seem to have hit Newcastle Lol :D
  12. Stuy

    Stuy Trance 24-7

    May 14, 2008
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    It is a cunt like, but if people can get that bit of music they love so much for nowt then thats the route their gunna take.

    Obviously Producers like to see some return of profit for their graft, but i agree with the point made before, that the crowd reaction and dancefloor results is the one. Thats where it all began.
  13. Rory Space

    Rory Space Gonny wreck yir fucking hoose Sweat tits

    Nov 21, 2007
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    South Shields
    I doubt there will ever be a way to stop all the free downloading, looks like the big fish will just have to get use to it, in a way its like handing a kid a bag of sweets & saying dont eat them... we get the book thrown at us n fined for downloading, yet if internet providers clamped down more this woudlent happen maybe.

    This could go on forever :lol: every1 has some canny interestin views on this though.

    fuck nasss

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