ow all your pussy cats are really cute!!!!!! iv got a dog, guinea-pig and a rabbit wot licks my nose.
the gus - cat it was b4 xmas 97. my mate had just found 2 kittens in a box, and asked if i would have one. i didnt like cats at the time but it looked cute so i said yes. it was just after i got a divorce from my ex-wife in 2000 that i found his collar in the back garden. i think some bastard dog ( or a big cat ) got him, the poor bastard. i tell my 3 daughter that the gus cat has gone up 2 kitty catty heaven, she seems 2 accept that so everything is alright. i will have another cat, i'll call it gus mark 11. if anybodys cat is having kittens give me a shout. i'll take one of your hands like. later.