Read the wise words of El Maracca .. posted interest from a lot of peeps, but no confirmations except for us 8. Thats not including Mark yet.. so far this is only board members - if this is truely gonna be Promise FC, we need the Promise resident DJs in as well!! Confirmed players: GoalKing El Maracca CrasherKid Cupid De Locke CraigB Ness Spud693 Fizz Interested but no confirmation Terry TheSpence DoctorMick JimE Sassy Sarah
Hoping we get the numbers to do 7-a-side - those times are whats on offer next week, the following week could have the 7pm time we were looking for. Based on what everyone said in the previous thread and this one.. Wednesday 7pm is the best time for everyone. I'm not gonna book it for next week.. we still dont have the minimum number of people in any case. Once we have 12 people who have confirmed, I'll block book us for the 7-a-side pitch every Wednesday.
Well done mate - the effort your putting in hasn't gone un-noticed. Cheers as I'm really looking forward to it.
Actually, I confirmed I can't play, Clare is doing a dancing show next Wednesday night so I will be going to that. I will be interested for future weeks tho.
I'd play Goin ibiza a week on Monday like, but I'll come along next week if ya get somethin organised
I said id play. Why aint my name on the list? 7pm is much better than 630 btw. Gives people a chance to get there if they are just finished work. Id really struggle for 630.
Ok.. Up to 12 now - 1 more and i will make a booking a week on wednesday Allie looks like he can play but since he's away to ibiza, we're currently at 11 confirmed. Standard time if i can get it regular, will be Wednesday 7pm.. hopefully this wont vary so much once we get the ball rolling Confirmed players: GoalKing El Maracca CrasherKid Cupid De Locke CraigB Ness Spud693 Fizz Broony MartyV Allie Orbit Interested but no confirmation Terry TheSpence JimE Sassy Sarah
Thanks to Chris Fee we now have the minimum needed for using the 7-a-side pitch I'll phone westgate on Monday and get things in motion for the first game If you're interested in playing put your name down.. the more we have the better the chances are we'll have a full pitch each week
Aye neva thought of gettin some of young fee's football buds to play against us. They'll probably run rings round us from what i've heard!!!
Dunno if this Wednesday is a good idea cos everyone might be wanting to watch the England game. But i reckon as from next week it will be fine.
OK, I'll make a booking for the game for next wednesday at 7pm or the nearest time for the 7-a-side pitch.