not to dis similar to snowballing snowballing his after getting a blow job ya come is kissed back into your own mouth. isnt that just delightfully delicious.
i guess i owe my deepest apologies to mr big dave and mr el sparko for the undivided abuse of their promise accounts... but COME ON!!!! if ur goin 2 come round and both leave urselfs logged in on my pc then it's an oppertunity that surely mustn't be missed, esspecially the state i was in!!!
here's a trick for ya..... get a bloke a creme de menth and a baileys. tell him to swig the creme de menth and swill it round his mouth, but not to swallow it, then swig the baileys and swill that as well. The mint from the creme de menth makes the baileys curdle and swell up in his mouth and tastes disgusting apparently. while his gob is full of this evil concoction tell him that's exactly what a blow job is like and watch his face best in a crowded pub
hahahaha rich i cant believe u did that!! i was sat here thinking "what the fuck why on earth would dave b esaying all this even if he was just messing on" but now it has all become clear lol!! i feel quite sick though afta reading sum of the stuff in this thread!! xxx
i hate rich!!! but im round his again pissed so any posts that go p tomorrow aint me!!!im at tidy ok!!
dood, don't dis rich!!!! he's class! probably one of the best people that i have ever met!!! better that you anyways, you one eye!