Comparing poppers to salvia is like comparing kappa tracksuit bottoms to a pair of diesel jeans (plus it only lasts about 5 minutes) Poppers make friends
lol. What sort of poppers have you been getting? Salvia is a fully immersive psychedelic, it will feel like you have been catapulted into another reality whereby you forget who you are if you do enough. Poppers get you a little bit fucked for a minute and make music sound better.
aye you're right what the fuck am i on about. i think i meant the connotations between the intial salvia headfuckery and the poppers head-throbbing. take no notice.
My mate Craig was out in bedlington one night and was in the bogs of a pub/club with a bottle of poppers talkin to his mate. A random came in and asked for a go of the poppers and Craig obliged. The kid then puts the bottle to his nostril and TIPS HIS HEAD BACK!!!!! Apparently he just dropped like a wet snot, coughing and spluttering. Not exactly a nice 1st experience of poppers eh?
I saw a similar thing when someone who hadn't tried them before got offered a bottle and took a sip out of it :spangled: I read that swallowing it is really really bad for you but this lad was so muntered he just staggered about a bit and then seemed to be ok. I like em though. Rossy from everything you write I think we must have identical constitutions
ahh yes, just pulled the remnants of the global poppers bottle out the drawer, my vessels are pounding yet again ha ha! can't whack 5 hard plus a blyth styler
I had a mate who managed to spill an entire bottle down the front of his top. he refused to change it and spent the rest of the night absolutely fucked off the fumes
I can't help myself, comparing salvia to poppers was always going to get a response like that from me. Even though I like poppers, it's like comparing a piece of shit to a Richard Tulip prog set. and yeah, human rights, freedom, legalise drugs, fuck the state/police etc
Last time i had poppers was dancing to meat katie at wickerman festival tutha week. Canny warped like. Especially as i was sharing them with some bloke who was trying to crawl through me legs every three minutes, an umpa lumpa and a bloke dressed like captain jack sparrow. Loved it.
Definately you. You never caned 20x hard enough. Your mind will bend like fuck mate. It wiped out Toma and half of the nook lads i know.
Salvia is the naughtiest drug I've ever came across, The spliffs are a waste of time, get some extract in a bong and it'll change your life