It's not funny it was tragic! I got a right hiding! On another occasion, me and this lad called James were mucking about on this disused railway line and found a porn mag so he dared me to ring one of the sex lines! We used to ring 999 and shout fire and run away too. Thankfully mum never found out about that
I was 15 at my friend Selina's house and her mam was giving us Archers and lemonade all night long, we must've had a bottle between the 2 of us, her mother jsut kept feeding it to us, I ended up rolling around the floor with her little brother My mam kicked off at hers the next day though but I was fine When I started going to town I always used to tell my dad it was someones bday at Charlies chinese buffet, after about the 4th/5th time he was like Natalie I know you're going drinking, it sort of gives it away getting picked up in the Bigg Market He wasn't bothered as long as he took me in and picked me up to make sure I was safe I once went out and got knocked back from everywhere though and didn't try again for about 6 months cos I was too scared
Ive been going to whitley and town drinking since I was about 15 and luckily I rarely ever get knocked back! Get my ID soon though
I cant take my drink that’s why I don’t touch the spirits (only if there in cocktails) quarter isnt to bad I suppose
our group used to call the fire brigade out and stand across the street all innocent, cant remember phoning the sex lines but any 0800 number got a mouthful of abuse from us
I phoned Childline one time after my mum clobbered me one time All their lines were busy though so I gave up! Good job I wasnt being tortured or owt!
I first got drunk when i was 7or 8 after drinking my mums cider!, I didnt start drinking serously when i was 14 or 15
i remember going to the empire for a college party after 2 cans of special brew on the train... the only part of the night i can remember is asking a fat bird who id 'had dealings with' in the past if she wanted to go to the bogs for a shag... i dont even know how i got home and the schooly cider drinking down saltburn and redcar was awesome... my tipple's we're white lightning, thunderbird and 20/20 :sick: ah to be an underage again
the fire alarm was more important than your call what are they like i could never get through to childline when i attempted to call them
I think I was 15 at a party and I had 1/4 bottle of vodka straight a few weeks later I thought I handled it quite well and progressed to 1/3 of a litre and passed out leaning on a tree and every time i opened my eyes I was in a different part of Cramlington, I was sick at least 10 times the next day
13 in a park with 4 cans of fosters for £2.29......oh how i miss the days of pissing in bushes and being able to get 8 cans for under a fiver...long gone now
me, my mate and his brother were kipping at mine when we were youngens, probably about 7, we clicked on what the bottles were in our parents cupboards, so we went to the shop to get a small bottle of 7up. we bleached his parents cupboards of their good gear then done the same with mine. we mixed it all in the 7up bottle straigh. there was navy rum, gin, vodka, whiskey and taboo laugh:), we waited until me mam and dad were asleep then shared it between us. we were pissed to fuck had no idea what was going on but we were fine in the morning. i remember getting caught pouring me mams taboo into mine and my mates drinks when i was about 9 or 10, got a slap round the chops for that one
About 12, it was xmas and my auntie kept topping up my glass with hair was in my xmas dinner