@ Home 1 x Black Labrador.. @gfs.. u ready.. 3 x Lahasa Apsos (dogs, spelling??), 1 x lurcher puppy and 2 x Hamsters When I move in my own place I'm taking 1 x Hamster to be followed by 1 x Lurcher puppy (once it stops being a shit.. bless )
1 x Denzil (deaf and blind 15year old yorkshire terrier : proper legend who can still loook after himself) 1 x Maisie (rubbish dog who is scared of everything and weighs a ton) 1 x Phoebe (rubbish dog who gives it the large one all the time but is a right wimp) 3 x Cats (dont do anything)
I got my little rosie, shes a cross between and jack russel and a beagle. she so cool, she just like a person, she gets upset if you don't pay her attention, if you don't let her sleep on your bed she finds something thats yours and rips in up or bites it a ruins it.
We have 3 miniature scnauzers- Millie, Katie and Robbie. They're gorgeous!! And we're getting another miniature scnauzer puppy on Sept 24th- awwwww! Should make me feel a whole lot better about missing Armin's 9hr set at Gods that night