got taken into blu bambu one night from work night out, so I bought a jug of blu stuff threw the ice at some people, downed the whole thing then had to be helped by my boss into a taxi home :blush: that was canny bad. or the time i went to foundation after a night out with work, where we had been having an oscars party and i had a bottle of wine, not even bothering with the glass, then threw up on myself lying on the floor of the toilets, where i was apologising profusely to my mate for being in such a state. I can see a theme running here lol. If im out drinking i go wild, if i stop in or just have a few beers and that im meek as a mouse. I drink
loser, i have a good time with my mates all week without drink, then at weekend we do something different and get pissed. It all about mixing it up, and lets face it when alcohol is invovled it just gets crazy as hell.
Chris you all year round scroooge! I think its a bit much saying theres something wrong with you if you need to enhance your night with drink? No-one really said that they just LIKE drinking etc! When you start to need drink its bad...but at the end of a long week who doesnt? Its cos ur week never ends its constant work work work!!
theres times i get sick and say fuck it, ill get pissed afterwork, but thats not very often! i can go out and not drink, but all my mates get pissed, and still have a good laugh with them, i just prefer being the responsible one. incase anything happens etc
Awww, that is nice that you wanna be the responsible one but you need to enjoy yourself! I hope you do you always seem to be working
I miss gettin lashed.. used to do it a lot more frequently then I do now.. Done some stupid things when I was younger like.. one time some bloke went into the disabled toilet at my local. It pissed me off that he went in and wasn't disabled.. so I stuck a chair under the handle.. the fucker was stuck in there for 30mins One of my other mates goes out and gets lashed pretty much every week.. one week he accidently stumbled, completely rat-arsed, down a 6ft hole in the ground
Exact sort of thing I do...I dunno why it annoys me when people do this...suppose its more than they got away with it when I didn't have the guts