i know, who does that jon mack fella think he is where did youse all dissapear to lol did yas leave early?
You looked as though you had been dead for months or frozen! your skin was so white it was alost blue and your lips were purple!
I'm a pastey bastard at the best of times but after being that cold, wet and muddy and also ruined it left me really fucking ill come the end. Wouldn't fancy walking to stanley from sunderland mind.
i lost richie so phoned his friends. they said i could jump in their taxi, walked up to where they said they were and they'd left so things went from bad to worse......i though richie had gone already (god knows why) so i figured i would start walking...... only problem is i didnt have a clue where i was! i had no money, no keys....just my phone, but richie didnt have his. so phoned the police in the hope they would lock me up for the night or something, just as i was talking to the PC richie somehow found me! It's probably the worst thing that has ever happened to me, and the reason i have decided to go back to being T-total again! I am a danger to society when i've had a drink!
He was going crazy all day Had no choice but to laugh at his 'fake leather' bin bag that he was wearing because of the rain
melt is a total legend funny as fuck yeh the foos were the highlight of the night, glad u dragged me over fella i was going nuts when they played monkey wrench