yeah, some of the things i saw in there were just plain wrong, who takes the children to something like that ffs? *kid* 'daddy daddy' *mother* 'leave your dad alone now son, he's coming up' fucking idiots
People like that don't deserve kids, or a life for that matter!! Boils my piss that :evil: :evil: :evil:
aye a remember seeing u's in the dance tent didnt realise they were socks jus thought u were some mad ravers avin it large
The weather was weird as fuck! One minute it was sunbathing weather and the next it was nearly snowing! Had a great time tho. Thought O'Bir was good, saw some of Dangerous Dave too. The Foo Fighters were awesome in the main tent too as were Athlete. What I heard of the Chems was good too. Some of the little kids in the main tent were loving it. Bless! Did anyone else see the mud fight, btw? That was funny, especially after a crowd had gathered and this weird bloke appointed himself the referee.
I wish I had seen a mud fight, haha although I did see some fat bastard fall over n do a big skid in the mud but he couldn't stop himself from going any further Was gonig to go down today, my brother had 7 spare guestlist places but i have to go back to Manc land
seen that mad lad do a klinsmann (4 the ladies thats a dving slide on ur chest) in2 a massive puddle of shit!!!! thing is that was jus b4 the chems kicked off. he jus stood up an walked in2 the tent dripping head to toe in mud