seriously, i'd skip the farm if i was you like jimi. a random field in the middle of nowhere is the last place you want to be if things go tits up...
nah i had a brain seizure at work - wasnt the nicest of experiences like espesh since it was about 3 days before me birthday! and no i dont touch any ileagal substances before someone says owt
hmmm..interesting. It could have been the fumes from your ultra fast, super duper, baby killing chav mobile zoom
go to your local job centre, u live in felling aye?? theres one on the high street go there ask for the proper forms and take your sicknotes in with to get photocopied, and ask them to back date your payments from when you were first off - it should take about 1-2 weeks from handing the forms in to get your cheque - i work for an agency and thats what ive had to do
aye i am - its just i hate being stereo typed with the burberry massive just cos i listen to hardcore
yeh keep partying like that when you are ill and you'll end up as dead jimmy. give it a rest till you get better