i have ended up enjoying far more olympic sports than i thought i would like. watching the gymnastics is mint some of the stuff they can do is class
Took me a while to find this... Vid of the final, starts at 1:30 -> http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/olympics/athletics/7565572.stm Also Michael Johnson's response is pretty funny! -> http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/olympics/athletics/7565608.stm
yet more medals today...pretty impressive for a small nation but the aussies have spat their dummy's out saying we can only win when we are sat down... christine orhurugou gave them the finger today though
Oh the aussies love an excuse. They take sport dead seriously (Olympics has been headline news every news bulletin), and if they don't win there's always a reason why, whether it be the "Pommy rain which meant the pom found it easier in the woman's road race", someone being injured a couple of years ago, funding, or whatever. Some woman runner came last and when she got interviewed she burst into tears saying that all the other athletes were drug cheats. Australian TV has stopped showing the medal tables :finger:
1China 44 14 19 77 2rUSA 26 26 27 79 3Great Britain 16 10 10 36 4Russia 11 14 18 43 5Australia 11 12 12 35 haha get in, im gona email me aunty in wollongong and have her life