sorry mate only taking the piss, if matts not ur style then fair enough but cant really knock him as a trance dj, esp not on here as everyone here :worship: 's him!!! agree with everyone else tho, u should've clued yourself on the djs first, that or prepared to try something different, if thats not what ur into. come to the 5hr set mate, if everyone else worshipping him doesnt rub off on you then stick to the bosh!!!
is it just me, or is the constant STRONG expression on EVERY other word getting a bit ANNOYING?! Hardwick = FERGIE = :worship:
Still easier to read than this shite tho -
Hey i've NEVER have or ever will go to the Monkey! -It just aint my scene TOO hardcore! What i'm on about is i like hard dance and yes trance too but the light stuff that gets played by the likes of hardwick is OK-its just i prefer the DJ to add a 'bit of bang' - Like Eddie or dare i say it Jules!! I'm sorry if i have offerended anyone as they deffo wasn't my intention!- I LOVE to listen to hardwick, flemming -its just they wouldn't be my first choice of DJ to go and see thats all! And oh the reason have been to see them in the past was to experince cos how did i know that i wouldn't enjoy them as much as Jules or Eddie etc and perhaps i was a little strong when i called it cheesy trance-thats somthing that gets played in lets just say smaller venue's like Beach and Liquid in sunderland!!