sometimes you get nose bleeds because you have to much calcium in your body, i used to get them all the time when i was little, but thats because i used to go through about a million pints of milk and week. cause all i used to eat was weetabix.
Drugs / Stress / High BP / Anaemia / Vitamin deficiencies .. There's lots of causes. I never used to get them until a few year ago, now I seem to get them quite a bit.
in your nose are loads of blood vessels. if you have a cold etc these get damaged and cause nose bleeds.
Ergh this little lad sitting next to us on the plane had a nose bleed, it was rank then he opened his sick bag and I thought he was gunna be sick but it was jsut to put his tissues in but I was terrified
i remember the look on your face when we walked passed some sick when we were through newcastle, you looked like you had found a rotten corpse