Quinn's doing a decent job at the club so far, but it's getting a bit sickening the god-like status he's achieved in 9months or so. I know he was already popular from playing, but it's just ridiculous how mackems can't get their cock up him quick enough these days.
And before anyone accuses me of jealousy, if your club had fat fred at the helm you'd appreciate we'd even be jealous of a scarecrow chairman with a turnip head and sewn on eyes.
so true, wonder if they will feel the same way in 12 months time when they go rocketing back down to the championship!
I admit it makes me laugh when it shows ya interviews on the tele of people thinking he is god! I have supported sunderland all my life so i know not to get my hopes up . Its the same with any club tho, when you lot appointed keegan the place went mental. People started naming their cats, dogs and even CHILDREN after him there is no doubt at all that we have turned a corner since quinn took over as chairman, and the introduction of Keane and the money made available to buy players has cemented the fact that the club has now finally got some ambition! But things can go tits up at any club, as we all know! the future's bright.....................the future is irish
Wasn't it all looking pretty dire for you guys before he roped Keane in? I'd search for the posts but I cba..
So Keane is your messiah then.. Quinn seems like a bit of a bungler who took a gamble on an managerial unknown, the whole set up seemed decidedly suspect in the run up to Keanes arrival...
but then it could have been worse, had you have been any other club than Sunderland, you could have had Souness sniffing about..
i wasn't to sure about keane when it was announced, yes he's a massive name within football, but had no management experience. he's done the job tho
you were lucky you sacked him when you did. Bollocks to you all your just enviouis!!!! btw good result was a scrapy match but who cares...
Playing devils advocate here, but Shearer actually did something in his career, whereas Quinn although tenacious never amounted to a great deal aside of a few good international performances..
career maybe but for sunderland he has done a great deal, being one half of the strike force that got us into the prem and performed consitantly then taking over as chairman and resurrecting us from another season of shite under murray
i think people forget how good shearer was, he is without a doubt the best striker to play in the prem. he performed at the top level for years, for both club and country scoring loads of goals. as much as i dislike the misrable weetabix'd headed fucker, ya cannot knock him