it's all depends on cost for vic....i do like the idea of croatia tho, sounds awesome if not i might see if we can do 3 nights in budapest & 3 in prague thru easy jet or something trying to lend the dosh of the rents to pay for vietnam & laos with my mam next feb/mar
try ryan air, they do cheap flights to eastern europe... think they go to budapest from either newc or durham... you can get singles for £10-£20 inc. taxes etc too!
my pal at work is off to Bulgaria next week £400 each all inclusive But wor lad doesn't fancy it, he thinks it's gonna be third world.
tell him not me, I am eager to expand the Royal Court to the outer reaches of Europe. Plus I haven't got the stamina for 'Biza.
i was gonna book flights to budapest for the end of the month but they've stopped them now actually thinking about it it could've been rome from ryan air i had to exchange 3 sets of flights last year around the same time and can't remember which flights were from which company! all i know is it cost me an extra £100+ an i only used 2 of the tickets anyway... damn women!
just been thinking what actually happened cos it was annoying me i couldn't remember... i'm sure no1 cares but need a rant! got flights booked for palma as the gf was repping out there in the summer and was told she had to stay longer so i thought i'd go out an see her... 1 week before i was due to go out i had to pay for her flight home cos she got home sick an quit! so i exchanged them flights for budapest but then couldn't make that so had to change again to barca... then got tickets for rome on the cheap from ryan air for the week she got back cos i had time off cos i was supposed to be going to see her... then her flight changed so i had to change them to milan... then she overspent in milan so couldn't afford her ticket to barca so the tickets for there went unused... looking back i'm starting to question proposing... might just pawn the ring while she's asleep an get round the world flights or live like a king in some eastern bloc country for a bit!
he is none other than Wot of this 'ere board. I have already ticked off the likes of Prague, the Dam, Thailand and Norway, but he needs a little more convincing. i'm sure he'll be happy to receive your suggestion.
cambodia is awesome & just a short flight away from thailand dunno if i've ever met him...poss many moons ago anyways i'm like a walking talking tour guide with photo's to boot.... kicck him up the arse & go yourself if he won't join you
He is one of Pike's pals so it is possible you have met him. i wouldn't fancy scooting off on my own - who would rub sun tan lotion onto the Royal Pups and no-one to renew membership of the Mile High club with.
I usually find stopping mid BJ to discuss holiday destinations results in a prompty, if brief response.
you're timming may b out a tad...try asking before & then when it's all yes yes yes at the end he can hardly back out