I was only joking, they're ok, i don't mind the plainer, more normal looking ones. Aren't those feet/shoes meant for diving or boating or something?!?!?
yeah and triathalons... they feel wierd and you know you'd get greif for wearing them in boro! you do get too many tits wearing rifts tho... apart from me that is!
i have but i know that some people on here have been & they mighthave got a really cheap deal so was asking advice... unless you've got some thing useful & about my getting to new york cheap then fuck off out of my thread
You should know by now that no thread is actually about what it starts off as. So actually, you're the one spoiling our trainer thread
thompson, american airlines & BA do good deals if your flexable on flight times/dates... but google could've told you that
my mate can't afford new york so we're looking for closer to home...maybe budapest, prague or even croatia
i few dutch people i know said croatia is class... its popular with the germans, dutch etc but almost untoutched by most brits, especially the beer-knobs. seen pictures of the beaches and they look like paradise, its a place im gonna have a look at
theres a wicked wild life sanctuary in north croatia it supposed ro be the best in europe they have wild wolves living there!