New video of more public transport "racist rant"

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Congay, Nov 30, 2011.

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  1. Congay

    Congay Registered User

    Aug 22, 2002
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    In todays pc world the Red Indians of America and the Abo's of Austrailia should definitley be in charge of their lands.

    Why shoudnt they? Because we the the white man choose to steal them from them a couple of hundred years ago?

    Jesus, forks
  2. forks

    forks still not dead

    Nov 21, 2005
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    hurtling towards nirvana
    well the Celts stole England from the ancient Britons. get over it
    Conway likes this.
  3. Congay

    Congay Registered User

    Aug 22, 2002
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    Forks I feel like you put me on a merrygoround and spin me faster and faster everytime you post, i get so confused by your randomness
  4. forks

    forks still not dead

    Nov 21, 2005
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    hurtling towards nirvana
    If all the land can only belong to the people who originally settled it then everybody in England will have to be ejected apart from 100% pre Celtic Ancient Britons. According to your fuzzy logic. I'm just trying to point out the inconsistencies of your position on who is allowed to live in the UK. If it all depends on who was here first then that is the logical outcome.

    I can see you don't like new people coming here and you want the country to stay as it is now. I understand that. I just get lost in your using DNA and ancient history and prehistoric populations to justify it. It all seems like bollocks to me.

    I think your real objections are cultural not racial. There are millions of us who are descended from immigrants and we are all natives. We are part of mainstream British culture. Some people who are more recently arrived, first or second or even third generation immigrants have some cultural differences which might mark them out still remaining. Every immigrant from another culture changes our culture in a tiny way. Big influxes change it in a more noticeable way. You find that frightening. I don't. Change is inevitable in very culture or it atrophies and dies. Look what happened to Japan when it sealed it's borders for hundreds of years. It ossified. And got left behind.
    British culture is great in some respects and not in others. Just like all other cultures. We have always been open to immigration and I think it has made us great to have a constant influx of new ideas and ways of living. You seem to think there was a Golden Age of Britain when we were all 'pure' in some way and now new people are spoiling it or stealing our stuff. I think it is changing because of immigration but I'm not scared of the change. Polish people are just people, having loads of them here hasn't made us less British. If they stay their grandchildren will be indistinguishable from the rest of us. The country will have changed a bit by their input and that will have brought us all some benefits and some losses. Just relax. If 20% of the poulation have darker skin than the rest eventually British skin tone will end up slightly darker. Since we all go risking skin cancer to get there now, perhaps that will be a benefit. Differences are interesting. Lets enjoy each others differences and stop with all the hating
    james909 likes this.

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