A lot of our customer base buy Dell Computers and the amount of shit that goes wrong with them on a daily basis is just pathetic. Don't buy Dell and ignore 'Saved By The Bell' That is all.
thats a load of hoop Dell have a good rep, much better than any gash you buy from PC World. Nowt has gone wrong on mine in 4 years apart from a DVD reader! So kiss my ass!!
Dell and PC World are equally as shit. Your just biased towards your Dell coz it allows you to express your inner geek.
Totally disagree there like! Have you actually owned a dell or are you just trying to be cool by saying its shit l00k at my 133tn3ss i madez0red my 0wn PC w0w im ub3r l33t
I support the machines on a DAILY BASIS as stated, im sitting using one now and looking at another (while my files download ) They are shit. Apols Basic, moral of this story don't buy a Dell, also stay away from HP machines, they also suck (piss off chris b4 saying u had sex with one and think they are good)
www.aldi.co.uk seriously!!! £750 for a BEAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Me brother got one yesterday - AMAZING machine!
whats the best mobo around at the moment i want blue tooth and all that jazz and what sort of gfx and sound cards and whats the min sized processor to impress the chicks????? i havent looked a pc for about 5 years do they still build the same?!?!?! eeek