The mix will be posted this week and remain on for the whole month of December. If any1 wants one on CD please pm me your name and address! Enjoy it!:groovy:
had a good listen to ya mix m8y, v nice indeed!!!, well built, well mixed, tune selection was very different but i used to that by now!!! BUT seriously though, well done!!!! im next so ill get meself sorted and the cd mixed by the end of the week, and ill get a copy up ta ya saturday when we have a mix!!!!
I would wait to do your proper mix as it'll be 5 weeks b4 it goes on the site tho Cheers 4 the feedback tho!
I have posted the Cd(s) to the following people: Aaron S'Lee(Promise and new cd) Micky Owens(Promise cd) Benny Mc(Promise cd) WholsJohnBenson(Promise cd) CPS(Promise and new cd) Michael(Promise and new cd) Any 1 else can pm me your address and if u want 1 or both cd's, it should be on the technootgasm website b4 Friday for you broadband peeps!