New Mac

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Paul_Shepherd85, Mar 30, 2008.

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  1. Conway

    Conway helmet Staff

    Apr 16, 2003
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    I tend to look at bugtraq and to see whats going on with all 3 :)

    PS - the windows laptop got owned, leaving only the linux one standing ;)

  2. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    it's like anything, the bigger you are the more people are waiting to have a go at you.

    People are queing to slate windows but look how it's revolutionised home/office computingover the last 10-15 years! look how many desktop machines it's installed on? it's impressive

    Look at how Macs and now FIREFOX are now getting tagetted by the spyware/virus writers, all this bullshit that "they don't get viruses" is completely false
  3. Conway

    Conway helmet Staff

    Apr 16, 2003
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    I don't have bias towards any of them, they all have their uses and all of them have strengths and weaknesses over the others.

    Saying one system is more secure is utter rubbish - anything made by man can be broken by man ;) There's no safety in using a niche system like a MAC or linux.

    No matter what you have, keep it updated, scan it regularly, and watch what you click - thats the safest way :)
  4. trance_fan

    trance_fan Registered User

    Nov 7, 2002
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    Like I say, it's a pointless argument. But Conway has said what I would have said in response to that, so I won't say it again!

    when people say "the secure nature", from my experience they often don't really know what that is, it's just something they have seen on a Mac vs Windows youtube video flame war ;)
  5. Lucien Fraud

    Lucien Fraud Got one now havent a

    Sep 19, 2007
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    i havent watched these will have a blast cant be any worse than the mitchell and web advertising apple did.
  6. Gary Proud

    Gary Proud Registered User

    Apr 4, 2005
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    The top & bottom of it is that if something can be electronically/digitally made, it can be hacked, copied or broken.

    I've had a PC & Laptop running Windows most of my life but after having a Mac for a few months id ever turn back.
    The main 2 reasons i bought a Mac wasn't for all the technical jargon etc... as PC's can have the exact same capability if you create your own spec. It was for how simple a Mac is, you turn the thing on & it loads within 3-5 seconds & it's all ready to go, with PC's your sat waiting for the thing to load each & every programme & then you go to click on something & it's still not ready for you.
    The programmes are so much easier to use & so self explanitory. I bought a wireless connection for my old laptop about 2 years ago, took about 3 hours to fit the fuking thing, changing settings, waiting for things to load, all in all a ball ache for what the final product actually did. I bought a similar product when I got my Mac, plugged the Airport station into a socket, put my internet connection cable in the back & the Laptop automatically recognised it & I was ready to use the wireless service in about 5 minutes, the simplicity & convenience of Macs are for me so much better.
    The other reason was music, most of the people I speak to use Logic so it made sense if I ever get stuck or need anything passing over.
  7. trance_fan

    trance_fan Registered User

    Nov 7, 2002
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    so your conclusion is that a 3 month old machine is far better than a 2 year old machine and so this makes Mac's the king?

    fair enough :lol:
  8. Gary Proud

    Gary Proud Registered User

    Apr 4, 2005
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    In a word, yes.

    Why do you need the equivalent amount of time with a new product to decide that after a few month it's clearly better?

    Would you wait until your new pair of trainers were old & haggard before deciding that they were better than the old ones you replaced?
  9. Conway

    Conway helmet Staff

    Apr 16, 2003
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    MACs are definitely easier to use than PCs - they make a lot of sense once you have a go.
    As for PCs, I find windows XP easy to use, but vista annoys the living shit out of me :evil:

    Oh and apparently apple are getting worse at fixing security holes - not good...
  10. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    i'd say for people who have little/no experience of computers, Mac's are easier to get to grips with which is why their "pc for work, mac at home" adverts were a great idea.

    Me, i'm so 'windows orientated' it always takes me ages to aclimatise to OS X :lol:

    2 button gives u so much more instant control..... :p
  11. trance_fan

    trance_fan Registered User

    Nov 7, 2002
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    wires have crossed here.

    my point is that side by side, a 3 month old machine is obviously going to do things faster than a 2 year old machine, regardless of platform.

    Also, wireless is now much easier to set up than it was 2 years ago...regardless of what computer will be using it.

    Neither of these arguments stand up in my book :p
  12. Spectra


    Mar 28, 2008
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    the lateset mac mice / mouses have about 5 buttons that can be turned on / off / assigned to whatever

    theres never been anything stopping you using a standard PC mouse either :)

    im a mac freak, and i prefer the two button mouse too
  13. STATIC

    STATIC Registered User

    Aug 20, 2006
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    In The Matrix
    I've been on both sides of the hardware platform many times. Started off with a Macintosh Classic, LCII, LCIII, Performa, iMac and used a G5 in my last job. You will find the Mac still has a strong foothold in the big desktop publishing houses and graphic design studios (press and newspaper offices still use them heavily).

    I agree they're great for graphic design work but since the demise of the PowerPC CPU, they're built using intel chips. The PowerPC was (and still is) great at mathematical stuff which is why things like Photoshop and QuarkXpress zip along! In my opinion why purchase an expensive machine with the same innards as a PC now when you can buy or build something yourself for less? You're paying for the badge at the end of the day. The MacOS operating system is built on Linux which is always going to be more secure than the offerings from Microsoft and the Mac is still user friendly compared to XP or Vista. At the end of the day do you think these top producers have one machine with cubase or whatever installed alongside loads of other bloatware? I doubt it... why do you think XP takes ages to startup when you have all kinds of applications installed? all starting services and processes in the background eating up memory? The cleaner the install the faster the startup....

    I use an HP laptop for most of my day to day stuff at home but also have a dual-xeon machine which is about a year old with a hammerfall dsp series sound card installed for producing tracks - the card alone cost about £300 - nothing else is installed on the machine apart from cubase and vst's. The trouble is people expect to buy a machine off the shelf and have it work with the 'top end' music packages whilst squeezing the sound from laughable on-board soundcards like Realtek or Soundmax. I'd even go as far as writing off the Creative Labs stuff since most of them don't or can't do realtime 96Khz. At the end of the day the better the sound card you'll probably find there's a specific Asio driver which offloads most of the work to the sound card like the Hammerfall card I use and the PC never breaks a sweat over 35% utilisation.

    There's no winner... the argument of Mac Vs. PC has waged for years - but it's much closer now since the Apple is now just a badge and the PowerPC chip has long since gone. Look elsewhere at the other hardware attached to the machine.
    Just simple things like a laptop hard drive generally only runs at 5400rpm (or 7200rpm in rare cases) - a desktop machine normally has a hard disk with 7200rpm or higher.... you could make comparisons against every piece of hardware....
  14. Phil Mitchell

    Phil Mitchell check me a dollar brer?

    May 19, 2005
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    Finally, someone who knows what they are talking about.

    If you want to get a Mac then just download OSX and install it onto a PC laptop, otherwise you're just paying for a flash case and a logo.

    ps Safari PC > Firefox PC
  15. Gary Proud

    Gary Proud Registered User

    Apr 4, 2005
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    Isn't the same scenario used with just about everything we buy? I bet your not stutting your stuff at the next habit: with a pair of Hi-Tec 'Silver Shadows' ...after all your just paying for the logo, they do the exact same job;):D

    Disco Dancers :cool2:
  16. Phil Mitchell

    Phil Mitchell check me a dollar brer?

    May 19, 2005
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    Close enough mate


    Anyone at our school wearing Silver Shadows was immediately added to the 'When it snows you are getting piled' List
  17. Jase

    Jase Blue Booked

    Nov 7, 2004
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  18. Jase

    Jase Blue Booked

    Nov 7, 2004
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  19. forks

    forks still not dead

    Nov 21, 2005
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    hurtling towards nirvana
    they're the bits I like.:D it cheers me up to look at it.
    I started on a Mac 20 years ago and never learnt how to use a PC. They always seemed clunky and ugly and counter intuitive and I couldn't be arsed learning how to. It has narked me over the years when I couldn't get some piece of software or other that was PC based but it's never been a real problem. I was always told that for music and graphics it was better but since I never used a PC I don't know whether that was true. All the people who's work I liked seemed to use photoshop on Mac so there must have been something in it. I think it's true that since Motorola stopped making chips the Mac is just a better piece of design though
  20. forks

    forks still not dead

    Nov 21, 2005
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    hurtling towards nirvana
    I think those are possibly the ugliest piece of styling I have ever seen:p

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