and your a complete **** your the ultimate conversation killer, you spout some bollocks and no one can be arsed to say owt
I think you're missing the point completely here. I highly doubt that you have indepth knowledge of the policies of Islam. Islam does not promote the ideas of so called "Islam extremists". Therefore how can you oppose Islam itself so much. It is a religious idea, not a way to categorise the people choose to follow it. Whether or not you choose to agree with the people that abuse, manupilate and then enforce those policies is another thing. I'd imagine not a lot of people do, including those who support Islam.
Re: nazism Can you be that daft? You need to learn the difference between historic political movements and religions.
I think you should respect their right to have their own belief, but not neccessarily what they believe. There's a difference
Plus, alot of the natzi's just did as they were told, from fear of death. It may not have been their belief
Re: nazism He asked this question. It asked specifically if we respect the belief, not their right Pete Get youre facts right mate
hers how i see it islam exists and if some peopl choose to follow it then wuper just i dont respect that religion
Re: Re: Re: nazism So? You just can't compare the two, The Nazis could be compared to Al Qaeda but not Islam.
Re: Re: Re: Re: nazism the quran preaches violence to non believers if someon chooses to ignor those commands then mint but many do infact listen to those commands
the only point be seems to have is that certain passages from the Qur'an can be interpreted to incite racially motivated violence/behaviour. but so can passages from the bible, so how come he don't seem to hate christians and christianity in the same way? or something.
i do slate christianity like ive fuckin said loads of times you numb **** i hate americanised christianity