IE has the same popup blocker and has done for a long time, I never have a problem with spyware? Every time i've ever used firefox I constantly have the box with the little coloured shapes appearing before frames load up... explain to me how this spyware 'corrupts' IE? what exactly does it do? i run spybot and adaware and it never finds anything other than a few trackers... and what do you mean 'its built in download bit keeps track on files' what files and why would you need to keep track of them?
When you download a file in firefox, instead of a dialog box popping up for each file you get one box that shows the progress of all files currently being downloaded. You can pause, resume and restart them too As for the spyware bit, I've come accross countless programs that install themselves and change IE's default behaviour, from 'search toolbars' to programs that change the default URLs IE looks for searching. They can be annoying as hell...
Well enough Firefox babble. I agree people unnecessarily slate microsoft, but this is not the same as iPods, because it's rivals ARE better, just not marketed as well and dont have the all important 'image' Too many people think that if they want an mp3 player then it has to be an iPod. I remember at dixons, people used to ask "what is the difference between an ipod and an mp3 player" They would be hell bent on an ipod, yet when you show the alternatives and how they are better spec, loads of people would not bother with an ipod. No offence intendaed to anybody but its those who dont really know what they are talking about that insist that ipod is the only option and often fall into the "what is the difference between an ipod and an mp3 player" catagory.
Scruff > what did you get? DId you go for 2GB or 4GB? How many mix's (say 2hrs long) for example would 2GB hold?
i've got a 2gig nano.... tis class! all depends on the size/length of the mixes.... it's just under 2gig... average mix is say... 100meg - so u could get 15-20mixes on it? i chop and change mine weekly....
Cheers lads. Does the car CD/Sterio adapater or connection give decent quality, this would be it's primary use for me.
new sony 6GB and 20GB mp3's players are the mutts nuts, im not anti-apple as my imac is tip top, just anti-ipod, they luk the shit, the clickwheel gives people a stiffy, but it soon goes away once it has broke, although there is a minority of 'the lucky people' who's ipod's may last a while.
I got a 4gb black nano that now resembles a chopping board.. get a tube for it before you buy one.. and dont put it in your pocket with keys :doh: my gf got a 30gig video one, would reccomend that over the nano anyday...