Believe me when I say the once or twice a month I can afford to go out I certainly do not look for the people that I've described earlier. And that's only what i've seen there's bound to me more. I certainly didn't take Lee to the toilets to be harshed by some arrogant tosser. They never used to stand out to me so I don't see why if they were there all the time they suddenly would - One of the things for half a year I'd loved about foundation was that there were very few charvers and the crowd was generally warmer, not temperature wise
I gotta agree with Nass on this one!! Yeah i personally aint had anybother with charves as yet in fondation, but there is an ever growing number of them.
I'm sorry, but none of you have any right to say who should be in the club and who shouldn't! You're accusing people of being arrogant - can you not see how hypocritical you are being? Those who you call charvas have as much right to be in the club as you do. Anyone who is aggressive or arrogant is annoying, and that sort of behaviour is far from exclusive to charvas. If someone is enjoying their night, who gives a fuck what they are wearing?
Nass i agree 100% with everything you have said mate, i used to go every friday last year without fail, been a few times this year and the change in crowd is very very noticible.
U can borrow mine Jimmy I agree with B.O.B. On the Battle of the nights I was out with all my pals and my m8 got a bottle thrown off him by some non-charver uni student. Him and his friends started to giv grief like arrogant ass clowns and were acting exactly like u are describing 'only a charver' wud act. We then got outside and a fight erupted, fortunately they got a surprise. Why is everyone so paranoid about them causing anything anyway...isnt that wat the bouncers are there for? They seem to do a good job if u ask me, they are always outside the toilets and walking around. Its not just charves who need to lighten up, there are plenty of other ppl who dont smile and av bad atittudes!
they've always been there!!you stay out of their way and they will generally stay out of yours! you could say that charvers annoy you the same way others could say that cybers annoy them by acting stupid, or the trendies annoy you by thinking they're too cool for school!!the clubs would fail without a mixture of everyone!
we probably inadvertently started the new charva trend Nobody can say who can are can't go to a club, but certain people do attract certain attitude... Your more likely to get into a fist fight @ blu bamboo than you are at world headquarters. I haven't been to Promise in a long time so can't comment on the current situiation... But I do avoid clubs with charva's because the way I dress attracts attention, I think avoiding trouble is sensible not arrogant. We all judge people on what they wear and most people want to be judged by what they wear....
yes damp charva is not a good smell for the club. i think they should employ toilet people (you know.....small people who look like toilets) that give you smell-nice for nowt!
yes. i muchly appriciate the toilets and toilet attendant types at tall trees. tis nice u ming sir, care for some anti-stink? :groovy: