Isnt that just sum1 excited n avin a good night??? Am sure when "normal" clubbers are a little worse for ware they piss people off by waffling cod-shit to em n bumping into em etc... It really isnt fair to single these "charvas" out The ones who purposely look for trouble - yeah - fair enuff...but i dont think the majority of them in promise do....
No, he was right in my face, its hard to explain Bri TBH, I wouldn't have tol him to fuck off if he wasn't being a dick, I aint like that at all
That's what I'm getting at - you never used to have to stay out of anyone's way at Promise this time about a year ago (when I first started going). That was my impression on a straight head which lasted until the summer when I hadn't been since Yoji and came back at the end of June. I'd be suprised if anyone on here could honestly tell me there hasn't been a rise in the amount of charvers around the club in the last 6 months. There has. By charvers I mean shirt and shoes people, or sometimes shirt and trainers, as well as those big 'looking for trouble' look-a-likes (whether that's just me being daft or not I don't know) who always scally around and never smile, and have that arrogant attitude if you ever speak to them. I don't just mean charvers, I mean nasty pieces of work who probably are striper-jumper wearing chavs when they get home. Surely you know what I mean. There are alot more than there used to be.
a know mate a can imagine - didnt see who posted when i replied soon as i did a knew it wasnt as I thought
They dont ALL cause trouble tho which is what im gettin at - i wud say there is no more touble now in promise than there ever has been... There is a riuse in the amount of ppl wearing shirts and trousers..yeah... I dont think this is a BAD thing at all. I think they are being singled out unfairly tbh... Just my opinion tho.
Actually I believe there has. Yeah you're right it's un fair to single out these people who wear shirts. But to be fair, probably something like 80% of the trouble ever caused in Foundation would be by a shirty Examples: I know of 3 other instances of arrogant tossers doing the same/similar 'you're in my way' tosser stance; In the toilets, some shirty tossers laughed at Lee and one of them laughed pointing saying 'he's got a till ching ching' Some wound up tosser was pissed off because he couldn't get in the cubicles, and it wasn't for a number 2; Someone else came in threatening to knock someone out if they didn't give him any poppers. Twice; People pushing in and actually pushing in like impatient tossers in front of 3 people waiting to go to the toilet. There's far more but I can't put them on here as the post will be deleted. You can use your imagination. Most of them were charvers with shirts on instead of jumpers, or just had the shit charver-style attitude. If todays charvers are tomorrow's clubbers, I hope their attitudes change too and they don't just get a decent dress sense.
I'm not usually a person who does, but when there are four/five lads surrounding you....its usually not good crack! Like I say though, none of them caused any bother for me, and I certainly ain't gonna cause any bother for them!
Cant argue with those facts BUT wot i will say is that the reason for this is that most people in foundation are "shirties" - non-cyber ppl..... Ive not had any bother in there in all the time av been going....and as far as I can see there isnt a LOT of bother in there....far from it....
gud stuff the best charver 1 is "hew mate i cant wait for mario picotto like hes well gonna play lizard and komdo" after 10mins off arguing with the tosser he still wudant take it that he wont play them was well funny tho
nass nass nass....ur bein very negative young man! go out with intention of enjoying yaself and dont let anyone spoil it...its easy! i do it all the time - works a treat! i think wot happens is that you LOOK for these type of they stand out to u... whereas i dont give a damm who is in as long as they r havin fun n not bothering me...i dont see any bother/get involved in any... a pattern is developing here