Because of course London is the only other place to live in the country. I wasn't suggesting that everyone should move here, just that I think staying in the same place your whole life is a little unadventurous. Nothing wrong with anywhere being extremely white, it's just something I noticed.
That is pretty obvious considering London is by far the largest city in Britain. I bet Paris has got more dodgy areas than anywhere in France, Amsterdam more than anywhere in Holland, New York an LA than anywhere in America etc etc
I love Newcastle, but i never appreciated it that much when i lived there from birth till i was 22/23. .... Funnily enough i would have argued till i was blue in the face about how much i didnt want to live anywhere else than the toon in the UK..... I'm amazed i said that now. Newcastle has an absolutely brilliant club scene which is right up there with the best in the world just from sheer proximity between venues and the bars etc ...... i'd much rather go out in Newcastle than london. Havin said that, my home town is not the place i can stay in if im going to capitalise on my skills, so i've had to see the back of it for now. If a person is happy to be where they are, doing exactly what they want to do .... then thats absolutely perfect ...... but i cant stomach the idea of ever living my life with regret that i didnt do what i could have done..... so the south it is. I'd definately not rule out coming back at one point, but only when i dont need to be concerned about whether or not i'd be able to find work etc. Nothing has to be forever eh, and a change is as good as a holiday.
Best thing I've ever done, leaving Newcastle. Only wish I'd done it sooner and gone away for uni. Not slagging the place off, I love going back to visit, but I'll never live there again. Leaving the country for a few years has been a good move too. Off to Moscow next, then New York
I was born in Yorkshire and swallowed all the 'Yorkshire is the best place in the world, people are the salt of the earth ' bullshit I was fed from birth. I've lived in different places and travelled a fair bit and I'm now living in the North East. It seems to me that to try out different cultures is a good thing to do, and makes you a more rounded person, but that basically everywhere on the planet is ok if you have money and not so good if you don't, and that humans are the same all over the world. What makes a place is if you have friends or family there, or plenty of people who think the same as you about life. The North East has a bit of the 'Geordies are the salt of the earth ' stuff too and can be insular and boorish but Newcastle is a good size for a city, is far enough from the capital to have a distinct identity, has fantastic countryside close at hand, is cheap to live in and decent hospitals and schools. I can't get excited enough about anywhere else to prompt me to move so I guess I'll stay here for now....
I've just moved down to London in January, and I'm counting down the months til I move back up north. I love London life and how everything is on my doorstep, but it's true what they say about there being no place like home. I miss having all my friends and family around me, which is the main downside for me, as all my mates live in Newcastle, and I'm really struggling to meet new people down here I dare say I won't be moving back to Consett tho..
Everyone should have a try at moving away from their home area at least once, you can always come back if you hate it. I've lived in Kent, Aberdeen, Newcastle and London and they've all had their good/bad points but I think Newcastle is a pretty good place to live...hardly took me any time at all to make a massive group of mates when i moved down whereas in London its much harder because everyone lives so far away from each other. Although it does piss me off how much geordies bum being geordies, you arent that special
When you have 8 million people in the greater london area, its bound to happen. I bet if the news covered another part of the country that had 8 million people in it in total, you'd hear constant stories about stabbings and shootings. All i'd say about that, is that alot of the violence happens in areas that if you DIDNT want to get stabbed, you wouldnt go in anyways, or hang around with the kind of people who do it...... Obviously there are awful occasions where things happen completely out of random, but alot of the stabbings going on are happening over and over in the same trouble spots. .... its not like innocent tourists are getting randomly stabbed.