what shouting at you when your arms feel like there goona drop off. well im gonna go and get beasted.
And then once they've ragged you to within an inch of your life, off to the class room where its a battle to stay awake due to how tired you are and how hot it is Love it
I wanted my freedom back. I grew up a fair bit while i was in which is really why i joined in the 1st place
exactly wot most people say, it does seem to sort people out (or make them go fucking nuts) theres been a few times where ive been watchin tele and my bro has been asleep on the sofa then started shouting like fuck and waking up scratching his head about wot happened. its quite disturbing to see actually
not bovvad at the end of the day he has been wornd of a friend thats from nucastle an thought he was clever taking the piss out of them from nucastle an then goes on this board i have done nothing to him he just wont leave me alone
It was dropping safely to the bottom of this forum, and off the page, til you two mongs threw it right back up the top.