the price of cd's and dvd's is ridiculous... i cant afford to but very often, thats why i stick to ebay amd amazon etc. until prices become at least reasonable by companies that are making huge profits i will continue to download the odd file now and then. fuck the man!
stop acting whiter than fucking whiter u nonce. u've never watched a pirate dvd or vcd? or a video from years ago? u watched a pirated porn film? never listen to a copied CD? did u actually buy ALL your software on your computer? every little application? u never recorded an album off your mate onto a tape? u never copied a computer game? be it a C64 on to a tape u borrowed off a mate or copied a disk on your AtariST? don't chuck in the moral card - it's bullshit. u'll be telling me u never excced 30 next and you've NEVER tried ANY drug. prick.
They are online stores you ass (apart from asda/tesco of course), and do not generally reflect high street prices. You cant steal a CD from a virtual shop!!!!
I dont drive and i dont do drugs, i do like to swear at police men when they are not looking tho. Hahaha you people are sooooooooooo easy to wind up ffs, as if i dont have any MP3's JEsus you muppets
This is a good point... so why is it some pole shoul dbe alowed to have it free while other pay full whack for it ???
Will you stop going on!! The 'reformed thief trying to get everybody on the straight and narrow' trick is shit
# Sales are down over a ONE year period because of legal MP3 sales but over the last 10 years its down a MASSIVE amount