Michael Jackson

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Geordie, Feb 3, 2003.

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  1. TheSpence

    TheSpence Registered User

    Oct 16, 2002
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    I will rattle 1 off in a mo I have been busy with WORK:eek:
  2. Guest

    totally agree with you ade!!!
    he just wants his children (wherever they came from) out of the lime light, coz he wants his kids to have a childhood he never had, thats probs why he never really grew up coz he never had a proper childhood!

    i always loved him when i was younger and still love listening to old songs and stuff even if he is a lil wierd
  3. spacey


    May 2, 2002
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    In the middle of no-where with the sheep
    OMG GEORDIE, i'M JUST SOOOOOOO getting all hot and bothered over that piccie on ur signature of MR PVD, how FIT does he look on that ..............PHWOARRRR

    Sorry I just had 2 say that :D
  4. Guest

    strange fcuker

    he is a bit touched.what the fuck was he on about when he said that climbing trees and water balloon fights were better than sex.
    he is a kiddie fiddler 4 defo.
    i wouldnt allow my daughter anywhere near the twisted bastard.
    it makes me sick.................

    right , if your child was abused would u settle 4 money in an out of court settlement. i think that chandler kids parents settled 4 something like 8 million. would u fuck. u'd hunt the fucker down.

    its a vicious circle.

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