meganite launch!!!!!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by yelloboy, Feb 18, 2003.

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  1. purvy

    purvy Registered User

    Dec 30, 2002
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    in the 'cuzzi
    hello every1
  2. TheSpence

    TheSpence Registered User

    Oct 16, 2002
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    I could have told him about this:D

    Londoners have lived up to their frosty reputation,with more than three quarters of them stonily ignoring smiles beamed at them in a nationwide survey, the Guardian reports.

    The Scottish reputation for bonhomie was also thrown into question by the experiment, which saw psychology students grinning at 100 strangers in each of 14 cities as part of the Comic Relief charity campaign.

    Scotland was split down the middle, with just four percent smiling back in the cultural capital of Edinburgh, compared to a cheery 68 percent in Glasgow.

    The rural west of England was well represented. The port city of Bristol topped the grin league with a 70 percent smile-return-rate while Exeter's residents earned themselves third place by reciprocating 54 percent of smiles.

    Only 18 percent of London's multicultural population could summon up a cheery response.

    Team leader Pat Spungin said the sheer size of the capital was a factor: "With a population of seven million, which is very mixed and very mobile, it is difficult to feel a sense of community with other Londoners." :D

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