I'm sure there are plenty who would be interested thank you very much. You insult me then laugh at the end- haven't quite grasped the concept of being nasty have you? Here's a lesson for you- You. Are. A. Prick. See how easy that was?
have you even read what i wrote !! @ eyeball maybe it's because i'm NOT a prick that i aint nasty on here mate you ever thought about that?? the tact you decided to give me a "lesson" tell's me a hell of a lot so keep makin your self out to be some 'ard as fuck board worrior mate cos i'll tell you what m8 i think your cool as fuck
not really m8 just someone who's secure enough with himself that he dosn't have to put others down on a chat site to feel better about him self thats all , happy day's mook!
I'm only nasty to you. And not once have I ever claimed to be an 'ard as fuck board worrior', whatever the fuck one of those is. I'm glad you like me though
ooo eyeball you nasty pasty now say sorry and make up will you? its getting more like the playground in here everyday
you dont have to SAY your a ard as fuck board worrior you spiv just the way you are determins what people (namely me) think of you, to be honest you make me laugh with your concistan whinging of how you don't like me i couldn't give a fuck lad i'm not here just for your benifit allthough if i didnt post you'd have nothing to give to the board would you ? stop you girl
dont think anyones been DOWN on eyetesticle for a while that might be his problem EYE! put the keyboard down and get some sunlight mate you might get some
my name is eyeball, and im a prick, all the girl end up laughin, at my dick my arms are numb , my fingers are sore all from being a, big board whore all i can do, is take the piss my humour at best, is hit and miss so all join in, laugh and that so we all can look, a complete twat! just to put us back on topic
Mcing is an absolute pile of shite. I was unfortunate to be dragged to the after dark when I was younger and it just seemed to me that MC's are idiots MC'ing to idiots. I know that is a broad generalisation but thats my opinion. That is how I learned that doing what the "cool" people do is totally "uncool". And yes, I think I learned the hard way.