Laughing at someone on the death bed is out of order whatever they have done. I wouldn't laugh at a black Jewish gay asylum seeker wearing a NUFC shirt who was dying on his death bed. Even I draw the line at laughing at death.
yeah i thought so!!! IMO He's a legend!!! one of the all time greats! Shame the bloke is in Hospital.
he pissed his life up the wall. u think he deserves our sympathy? i would laugh at his death bed - just like ODing smack heads. a harsh lesson they won't forget. mwwaaahhaaahahahaha (me laughing at their death beds.)
none. he sticks marching powder up his nose and fucks his heart up. is that my problem? should i say "awww, poor bloke"? should i fuck. root in hell argy. i'm sure no-one will say "ahh poor bloke - it was the cigarette companies fault" when i kark it from lung cancer.
Er......... What the fuck are you on about? Who mentioned sympathy or saying "awww, poor bloke"? (you gimp) Id love to laff in your mothers face when she slips from this earth
heart attack - for being a bloater and doing coke. self inflicted. u were on about ''ooo he's going to die *sob* *sob*" big fucking deal. and by the way - she already has.
the world won't miss him, football however might. i don't wish death upon anyone but to make a big deal over him dieing when he obviously lived such a self-indulgent and wasteful life outside of football seems fairly pointless to me.
The day that i see anyone off this board achieve what he did/has for both club and country (regardless of his current sorry state) will be the day that i switch my favourite DJ to Jimmy Saville and Van Dyk will be a thing of the past Its laughable the way some people go on on here !
look i love football as much as any other fan, i however don't understand how other than play amazing football what this man has ever done to recieve such massive amounts of sympathy. his personal life was/is a disgrace and he even managed to bring the one thing he actually was good at into disrepute through 'the hand of god' and his failed drug test. if there was ever an example of how not to live your life then it was his. he was an extremely poor role model for young kids trapped in poverty back in his home country. there are 100's of people who pass away every year that have contributed a lot more to the world than him. i am interested to know why people hold this man up as some kind of hero / worship figure as it completely baffles me.
He doesn't deserve sympathy for his drug habit, that I'll agree on. But it's defo a bit harsh to say sumick like "Hahaha die you fucking bloated argy bastard". It's not something that people would say in the street, but the anonymity that a messageboard gives makes it a bit too easy for people to come out with it.