sounds familiar. lucy joked she was gonna have a heart attack when i took her for a meander up a great big hill once too. i slowed down when i looked back at her coz she looked like she actually was!!! was quite harsh like but i love it and just go. the pup was nearly chokin herself too coz she was pretty much dragging lucy up! thats an idea, do u wanna borrow the dogs for the ny to help u up the mountain?
are they big??? like really big?? if we stay somewhere where you can take dogs then i'd be tempted.... are they good dogs & not likely to run away...don't really fancy the wrath of loosy & you (i bet u'd b scarey when you're angry )
i'd be more angry at the dogs for runnin off they're good as gold hun, especially the big one maxi. she's a rottweiler/collie/labrador cross (bit of a heinz variety really lol), and jersey is a border collie/dalmation cross. bit of a crackers pup really, still lil, but well behaved. honestly, mint for hiking and hill walkin
you say that now... dunno whether Ken wud fancy having them along but i'll see what he says if we're staying where we can take dogs! either that or they should be viscious so i can be chased up the mountains!
its south of the Isle of Mull on the West Coast its a teeny wee island think its about a mile long and 3 miles wide or something lol n btw aint a feckin clue what the hell the scottish rivera is
lmao seriously tho, just let me know if u fancy takin one or both, i trust ya and i know they'd love it! hehe
we're now going to the lakes! for cost & time wise its better for us to do that so we are...but we will go to scotland sometime...specially since Ken will be living up there...i've even agreed to camp it again when the weathers warmer!
tell me about it....on the budget we're on there was no way we cud afford to get to scotland & back, have somewhere decentish to stay & feed ourselves ....Kens also got to drive from london to mine & then to scotland after new year for his new job! one of these places... Ambleside Windermere Keswick Glenridding Borrowdale Eskdale Patterdale Bassenthwaite Coniston Hawkshead Grassmere Rydal at least i now know where to look for scotland tho!
Keswick's alright, there's plenty to do and it's moderately cheap, but I haven't been anywhere else in the lakes since I were a nipper. That's a rough drive for Ken like - I can see why the Isle of Skye is now out... Where's he got hs new job at? Visit Scotland! sponsored by
we went to keswick for valentines weekend...we walked up a big fuck off hill on valentines day (it was a 6 hr round trip ) yeah but he still wud've went...if the trains had been cheap home from scotland then it mite've been easier but it was expenny penny! not to worry when he works upt here we can go away for the weekend... he can plan some romantic places for me to go n sleep in a tent! the 1st time he took me to the lakes was near scar fell pike.... was lush views 1st thing in the morning & then a canny pub on the night! he'll be working nearish to arrochar & talbot train station
Hills near Keswick are :evil: ! Hope you find summinck nice to do for new year anyways And get drunk!
thanks i'm sure we will, eventually! i'm hoping theres a pub near where we end up staying then we can be with other out door types comparing our hard days walks whilst having a few drinks...if not it'll be me & him, a few beers (in my case bitch beers or vodkas) our pipes & a fire! dunno how drunk i'll b able to get, depends on how big the hill is i've got to get up the day after innit?
i sometimes feel thats what i'm like....i'm not fit enough to do these things but will get fitter & more used to it the more it do it! i think i'm going up big hills when i go to thailand! eek!