I like it and drink it, but I'll drink any half decent cider going seeing as I think lager and beer are wank.
Its amazing what one advert can do for a drink!! Its exactly the same as woodpecker, but you get ice in your glass!! Proper nonce drink IMO
Everyone is on the magners bandwagon, ive drank it a bit myself but it becomes a bit sickly for me. Its cheap as hell in asda guys, 2.50ish for a 1litre bottle. bargain. I went off cider when i was 17 after too much white lightning, since strongbow at a similar time ive never drank cider until recently. magners has made cider popular again, i prefer proper scrumpy stuff, cider shouldnt be clear, it should be cloudy and made with real apple juice, not apple concentrate. guess thats the cornish in me
my grandad was cornish and all the family on his side is down there, when i used to go down to visit uncles etc would drink home brewed cider. That stuff is insane. half of the blokes drinking it look like popeye, so its not as trendy as magners, but it blows ya face off and its so much richer and tastier