Loved and Lost id say .. its all down to experience and you learn from experiences .. Im happy being single now though .. havnt really got time.
Loved and lost. The experience makes you a lot stronger in the long run, and hopefully better able to deal with relationships in the future.
loved and lost... i reckon everyone needs a bit of heartbreak in their life, makes them a stronger person. adds to your experience, you can handle things better next time.
Agree totally. I went through a shit time a couple of years ago and stil i was only young and was first love... but it has really made me stronger and I know how to deal with people who treat me like shit now
Better to have felt at least SOMETHING than nothing at all. Shows youre human Would hate to think that I would never have loved my baby
I think losing it makes you realise just how good it was too. Altho i dont plan on finding that out ever again.
I've just got over something so similar, dont listen to anyone when they say "shagging other lasses will make you feel better" cause it doesn't, only time heals that
yep bit of a sensitive subject for me at th mo aswell but definately loved and lost. at least then you've experienced love and you know where not to go wrong in the future