Or the statue could be: Tawaret was a goddess who protected women during pregnancy and childbirth. Amazing episode, second to The Constant for me!!
ha, i'm actually about to watch the last 2 episodes of series 4 now. i've nearly caught up on series. what eps is it up to on 5?
I wouldn't say so, it maybe better now but i watched it for a couple of series and it went no where. I was hooked and then became very very bored of fuck all happenin! I know loads that love it but it just started to get tedious for me.
my favourite episode so far - amazing! Nearly cried at the end!! Did charlotte disappear because she couldnt see herself with them being stuck in the 70's?? I wonder if Ben wipes out everyone in the barracks like he as done already and then his "people" are the survivors and richards people. Gotta wait 2 weeks for next one too is it having a break in US too or just over here?
had on, episode 7? i'm currently downloading 8? is this a fake? however according to these it should be 8.. http://tviv.org/Lost/Season_Five unless england is a whole week behind?
NO its not a fake. Episode 8, LeFleur was on lastnight, The US are only 3 days infront of us at mo but if they still screen next week but they dont then we will be week and half behind them
Just watched laFleur there. quality. *SPOILERS* I still can't really understand the time travelling/being stuck in the DI/Meeting up with Jack/Kate/Hurley, while still being stuck in the 70's. and does this mean the flashes have stopped? because there timeflash when the plane was crashing so presumably there should of been one on the island? or was the flash on the plane them moving into the same timeline as Sawyer/juilet etc????? I think i need to rewatch the last 2. it's all getting rather complicated.
i thought the plane with kate etc crashed at same time as the last flash but that wouldnt add up as sawyer etc have been with the DI for 3 years from the last flash, so it must of been them joining that timeline. Will be interesting to see what happens from now. Well done for catching up, think you done it quicker than i done the first 3 series, took me 5 weeks
the time flashes have stopped. it stopped when they all returned to the island (the plane flying overhead which crashed bringing the jack/etc back AND a few new people? ) - however it's not the correct PRESENT time, it's sometime in the past (i think someone mentioned 1974 BUT that seems TOO early as it showed charlotte as a young girl so maybe sometime in the 80s'? Also, when Jin was pulled from the sea, we saw the french woman but young and still carrying alex - so that makes it 16 years in the past for them all? so that would make it in the 80's too - but it might be worth looking at the lostwiki sites see if we can figure out WHEN dharma abandoned the island after the 'incident'. you seen the tie-in stuff K? : [ame="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Twin-Lost-Hyperion-Gary-Troup/dp/1401302769/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1236615041&sr=8-1"]Bad Twin (Lost (Hyperion)): Amazon.co.uk: Gary Troup: Books@@AMEPARAM@@http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51V4C6JVT9L.@@AMEPARAM@@51V4C6JVT9L[/ame] thats a book written by someone who died on the plane crash. Gary troup. re-arrange his name and it spells 'purgatory' - also 'evil twins' has a lot to do with it. read the synopsis. This book, also appears in the TV show - you see Hurley reading it in series 1 or 2 i think, he has the manuscript. Also, Sawyer is reading it on the beach, Kate asks him what it is he says " a poor who-done-it" or something. gotta love the tie ins... http://www.dharmainitiative.org.uk/
wonder where sawyer got LaFleur from, im sure he mentions is something to do with his conman days but i didnt catch it.
he said it was creole, and was the first thing that came to mind. although in lost speak that's basically saying 'it was somthing to do with my past that obviously will have a plot twist later on in the next series" after watching the whole lot i'm getting a bit sick of the format "right we're going to X to find Y" "i'm coming with you" "no you can't your staying here" <guns pulled> how many times does that get repeated?!
Shite no episode this week! Gutted! Its a Thursday night tradition to come home from football. Download and watch Lost before the sky 1ers get a chance to on Sunday. Regarding the time, it was 1974 when the flashes stopped (i think) so could it not be 1977? Plus there was another couple of flashes after the pregant french women came ashore, meaing that was insignificant.