my daughter is called lucy so that makes it even worse n shes only 6yrs old..... it wouldnt work for me so dont know what yous r on about but sounds sick anyway....
Iany E is having problems grasping the difference between reality and a joke. darude just made a joke abot killing wifes, duz that mean hes strongly believes that killing ur spouse is correct? and jumping on hedgehogs...darude makes a sport of it. it was a joke, it was obvious it was a joke, cos i used the word 'funny' like, ha ha ha, like erm...a clown not funny, little six yr old girls being shagged by their uncles. stupid ****s
Chinese, Asian, American it wouldnt matter cause it would be just as sick on any 8 year old, thats why we have a law, you seriously are a grade A numbnut, nobber.
no, he jus seem to think that its ok to treat the adults of a different race to him differently, jus wondered if it applied to kids too.
Cause Steve is in a wheelchair and abusing a child is totally unacceptable no matter which way you look at it. Taking the piss out of someone with a disability is one thing. But laughing at an abused child is another. End of. Haway Enrique Lets Gaan Doon The Toon.