DERUYTER, Yves & MARCEL WOODS: Frequence (Frequence Belgium) DJ TON TB: Electronic Malfunction (Black Hole UK) SIGNUM: Push Through VAN DYK, Paul feat VEGA 4: Time Of Our Lives
Yeah its mint, I remembered Everest coz Hardwicks been playing it and I got a pleasant suprise when I flipped the vinyl over. Straight to the front of the box Top tune
everest is a fucking amazing ttune, i remember o bir canning it near the end of his set at the last gods at the telewest. never heard spellboundd, gonna get it now
new tunes signum push through hands up yoji mix chicane autmn tactics (eventually) ricky fobis no regular (but had to take it back some had swaped ther records over.)
i its good I it is a awsome tune like ive liked for ages and been trying to get it for while i just love it
Just spent £50 on 5 new tunes: Eufex - Chained Eufex - What Lab 4 - Reformation II Chris C and Dynamic Intervention - V8 All second hand but been after them for a while, especially Chained. Also bought Frantic Residents EP3, absolutely love James Lawson and Phil Reynolds - Love is the Drug
Unknown - Clocks(Full vocal mix) Oakenfold - Hypnotized(Remixes) Signum - Push through/Sunny Changes Paul Van Dyk - Time of our lives/Connected Resistance - Rise of Nations(Matt Silver and Tony Burt mix) AQM meets Nu-Sound - More
Today I got: DK - Murder was the Bass Rush - My Plazzo Marco Bailey - Platinium Michael Bukrat & Lars Klein - Get On Da Knees And Suck Me Denise Alpharasic - Believe in Me
yessssss , first time ive orderd in a while, and i cant wait for the next couple of days til these babys arrive!!! MOTORCYCLE - as the rush comes * armin van buuren remix * SIGNUM - push through AYU - m * above & beyond remixes UNDERWORLD - born slippy DEVOID - cremona VINCENT & QUENTIN - freeway * ralphie b rmx * SOLAR STONE VS SCOTT BOND - 3rd earth * marco v remix * CUMONNNN!
yea , what a tune. ripped me eyes out with shiping but itll be worth it wen my babys get here cant wait for armins mix of atrc