gud stuff - hopefully i'll hav sum money saved up by then! was suprised julesys canin it tho - oh well
casper&nick rafferty 24/7 casper vs A* afraid of us and another casper tune, cant remember it tho... all quite "acidic" and hard
Jules has actually caned quite a few picotto tunes in his time...including Verdi. I'm not that surpised really. Jules likes a bit of funky techno. But your right, it won't be long before every Armin and his dog are dropping this tune towards the end of their sets...
ha ha ha get these (true hard house fans foam at the mouth) rr fierce-banga monica rr fierce- like dis rr fierce- street tab and just baught this very moment rr fierce narcan/panik (laughing all the way to my record box!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
yeh - with picottos ever changing style tho thought it wud be out of julesys league - not arsed like!
He has always played Picotto tunes. He plays stuff by Marco Bailey aswell(is this techno???) Every Dj will be playing the new Picotto tune(s) soon, just watch
just bought, steve blake - my house ado the dream - roll of bass couple of nice hard galloping tunes!!!
I'm a very happy man. Just bought: Secret Squirrel - Ultimate/Future Dance Steve Hill and Stealth - Looking Back Lucid - Lucid M Ramone and Paul Clarke - Bust Up Also ordered: Lab4 - Candyman Jon Doe - Warehouse Captain Tinrib - New York, London, Amsterdam Stimulant DJs - Hoover Time Ilogik - Make it Happen
Vernell De Long - People Get Up EP (Active Pass) Losoul Vs JT Donaldson - In And Out Of The Shade (Mood Music) Unknown - Born Slippy (Loop Music) The Corruptors - Tonic (Radar) Vinyl Thieves - 4 On The Floor EP (Bumpin City) Miss Me feat. Jiney & Mizzy - Surprise Me (Brique Rouge) Joshua Collins - Token Ring EP (Grayhound) Brother Brown - The Colorado EP (Colors) And the CasaMusica EP (Casa Test CDR) is hopefully winging its way to me as we speak