ah spank u lol, dunno whats happened to my cd, computers been playin up, and havin a mare picking tunes, thought i had all the tunes sorted, then woke up one morning, and culled it down to 8 eventually!
I thinks I'm gonna make 2 cd's one cyber trance to cheesey hard house, one hard house to hard acid trance/techno
This weeks buys Fire & Ice - Close To me DJ Loony Tune - Workstation (M.I.K.E Remix) Nitromethane - Time To Die (Seraque) Jas van Houten - Heavens Gate In - Musika (Katana Remix) Freebase - Shiva Darren Tate vs Jono Grant - Let The Light Shine In Prime Mover - The Weapon Pulser - Cloudwalking 2003 Boca - Play With me Ghostland - Guide me God M.I.K.E vs John 00 Fleming - Ice Cream
i know im not supposed to buy any records....but.... ayu - connected PVD - god guide me yahel - voyage dark piano suite and 2 others i cant remember...
Good man!!! Quality innit! Well sayin that, anythin with TDV on it almost guaranteed to be top drawer
werent overly impressed with his set at Stutterhome with Seb Fontaine, I mean it was good, but nothing amazing... then again it was from like 1995...
?!?!?!? I've always respected ur musical taste dog but this is bollox Every dj has off days tdv was one of the greatest british dj's of all time... no quibles. Are You All Ready & Feel the Love are 2 of the most amazing tunes of all time
Diversity... not every dj sticks to one style. To be fair tdv played more hard trance than hard house
pulser cloudwalking starshine moonlight rank1 such is life thrillseekers-synthaesasia (think thats rite spellin)
lustral - broken (all the mixes) tiesto - obsession (filterheadz mix) BK - Revolution (orignal + bad ass mixes)
Accadia - Blind Vision (Lost Language) Andain - Summer's Calling (Gabriel & Dresden/Airwave Mixes) (BlackHole) Yes, you twats, you've turned me, I'm buying prog trance! (still aint as good as house tho! )
Royksopp - Poor Leno Who Da Funk - Sting Me Red Fire & Ice - Fire & Ice EP Umek - Gatex Andain - Summer Calling Tiesto & Junkie XL - Obsession Veit - Sky
MIKE vs JOHN "00" FLEMING: Icecream (Bonzai Belgium) ^^^^ When Tall2XLC played this there was a sample of a little girl saying how see liked ice cream "yum yum yum" it was a nice sample, any ideas..?? DAWN, Marc: Expander (remixes) (Logport Germany) TOMCRAFT: Loneliness (Kosmo Germany) SIGNUM feat KATANA: Third Dimension (Silver Premium Holland) TATE, Darren vs JONO GRANT/MIKE KOGLIN: Let The Light Shine In (Mondo) RESOORT, Carlo vs 4 STRINGS: Carlo Resloot vs 4 Strings (Liquid Holland) DJ SESSION ONE pres DJ VIRUS: All Your Bass (remixes) (Recover) E CRAIG: Thanx We Get (Sunrise) CONJURE ONE: Tears From The Moon (Nettwork)