Nowt was planned I was a bit pished after the watching the match so I stopped in town and done a bit of Vuzzing,afterpartying & bit more afterpartying
do you not remember when they were jumping all over eachother near the monument i think it has something to do with that
As always Spence mint banter, watching that 5-0 again brought back some memories eh I remem being outside Vuzz and messing about then all of a sudden Dan / Mick / Pike + others were all stuck into it and am sure i was on the bottom I dont have any injuries like, had a class night and the afters was equally as good - cheers Paul / Dave and to the DJ - hard fucking core eh
I was with him with the others off here at about 5pm yesterday @ Fran's n Bella's He went with Scott back to Vuzz i think, maybe he's just stayed with Scott / Jayne last night ?!?!
update: he's just walked in with Pete Doherty and Old Dirty Bastard. he's fine and wont be doing it ever again.