(SORRY HIT RETURN) ahem, want to shag u but u don't, and u just see a really hot male pro once a week... are there any hot males pros out there btw?
ive cut it out for longer than u can imagine!! its not that thats upset me!! c'mon girlies, lets group together and burn our bra's!! (fuck it, lets group together and burn crasherbiatches bra's, there aint enough of mine to even spark a flame )
glitter - lets seek out that pro eh? kitten - sweet all girls re bra burning - NO THINK OF THE FIREMANS STRIKE!!!!!
that actually made me giggle! Hey Kez, Men arnt everything which i know you'll agree...just play it how you want! Get what you want in a fashionable manner Girls do kick ass - sorry lads! Muchos recommened get the Rampant Rabbit from anne summers! No need for men! Just add batteries!
i have heard only good things about this rabbit girls do kick ass, so fuck burning our bra's, can we not just burn damocles instead?
As Miss Pricess stated b4 - it's hazard to burn while the strike is on...let's settle for stonning him Im not mean - honest!
all that cyber-gear - he go up in a flash!!! so how did he fall from flavour of the minute then Kez, i is intrigued...as a non-regular poster in miss out on gossip!!
*raises hand* i'm a pro.. but i've got expensive tastes ladies. however i do come fitted with one of these http://www.bodypunks.com/bodyjewlery.htm just for you kez cheer up hun!!!!
rite chris your booked...I want you under my tree on Xmas day wearing a bow...the place of attatchment is optional... *sings* on the last day of Xmas I gave to myself ooonnee gigolo....
ok my fee is: 1 crate of stella 2 bottles of white wine (chardonnay is my fave) minimum 1/2 litre of vodka (has to be absolut, mixer not necessary) and seeing as it is xmas small sur-charge of a xmas dinner. i'm sure all of that is well within the royal budget
hmm could have been worse, u could ahve asked for 3 bottles of vino... i'm gonna think about this one *sips tea and ponders* go on tis season of good will...I'll just go out and pick on some cybers instead *content* ps any specific brand of vodka?