well why didn't u say mr.c......here was me thinking u wanted freshly baked bread when u got home from work and scrabble evenings...I am failed as a wannabe wife...
hunny, ure more of a man than any1 ive ever met, which is why u r excluded, ure in that 0.1% coz u dont fuck people about!
you ever thought that if every man you've ever been with has fucked you about that it might not be them that is the problem.
Actually...i think when i say that a girl is nice/big tits/fit ass etc i'd seriously do her! does that count?
maybe the solution to the whole think is to live self sufficient in a big bubble with nothing but a paul oakenfold mix as company..................omg where did that just come from:spangled:
rite, erm... 1) Strawberry Kitten - I fink sexuality is like religion, peeps can have any variety they want, but when they rub it in others faces it smacks of falseness. not directed at u, but look at all the 'look, look I'm a lesbian..look boys, i'm kissing a girl' antics we see in clubs. 2) what was the 2nd point - sod it..
come here glitter - lets hug!! *reaches out arms and flattens mohican as not to spike the glittery one*
Can see both your points s'pose when i talk about it though i'm really not rubbing it in the faces of the male species...or i hope it doesnt look that way! Apart from kissing a girlie in public i wouldnt really wanna crowd and the rest of the naughty stuff would stay behind doors for me!
You have such a way with words Kerry. And if ya do insist on doing it please could you make it a long thin blade rather than a short fat one as i prefere a deeper penentration.
runs and hides back behind monitor reaching for his protective stick.......................hopes that hug cheers glitter up (please cheer up:angel: )
innit. expressions of affection either hetro or homo are totally cool, im not prejudice at all, but all these little girls who kiss each other in clubs to make lads pant...and look totally wrong doing it, u can see by their faces they're hating it but trying to get attention... if your sexuality or pretence of it is the most interesting thing about u, u got problems i say! (not u i mean, just general like!!!)
an I thought I was doing good at this harsh thing. Duncan, blow it out ya cheeks man, ya like a fukkin stuck record and boring as shit. shut the fukk up!!!
lol i know, tell you what heres a bit hug to everyone on the board ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( HUG ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) *DONE WHILE LIGAYA IS PLAYING IN THE BACKGROUND!!
glitter, chicky, if sleeping with men/boys upsets u so much, have u ever thought about cutting it out for a bit, having loadsa cool male pals who desperately WANT