where u playin with goldenscacn? and yeh shes hard but theres much more to her music and tune selection, than that of scot projects who im not keen on anymore
Scot Project is getting better everytime IMO. He's improved so much over the last year its unbelievable
Only seen her once @ tw4 and she was really good , nice and hard , got a few of her sets off the net too and they are all really good !!! Scot project is still making promise line ups so i cant see why lady dana cant BUT she would go down a lot better @ Quality !!! She was standing with scot project @ tw4 when me n me mates where talkin to him n gettin our photo's took with him n we dint even realise it was her till she went on ffs , she always smileing !!! ...fidds...
i wasn't too keen on his set at the boat but that was more down to my mood by that point i think, i wouldnt avoid a night because he was playing cos hes impressed me in the past, but i wouldnt go out my way to see him either
I've always liked him as a producer and everytime I see him play i'm liking him more and more as a DJ. He's also a really top bloke. Scot Project = Legend!
a night in middlesbrough..don't wanna spoil the thread with a plug so will post about it closer to the time!
Dana is a million times better than scot project. Get her on with Uberdruck like Jimmy said, and maybe some one like Cally & Juice
yey book dana shes fuckin class. and i know shes pretty damn hard but dont book her for quality cuz i really really wanna see her but despise hard dance! Also some1 mentioned Oliver Klitzing, aka Reeloop aka Kaylab aka a million other names (tho as far as i know dj's under kaylab) now he needs a booking cuz hes mintos and jimmy ykts, Frank Zenker is a legend
i like some of his tunes under the klitzing name, and I don't normally like much hard stuff! reloop-fucking society though =
Spiral, have u heard the Uberdruck vs Organ Donors set(recent)? Its fucking class, the mixing aint perfect but the tunes and scratching are !!!! Oliver Klitzing is a talented producer and I reckon he'd be a class Dj although I aint heard him before. Dana is a good choice because she's played all over the world and has a good reputation. The Organ Donors are household names on the UK Hardhouse scene. Uberdruck are just class
The one from HQ XL in december? If its that one aint heard it, only got the Charlotte Birch and SHOKK vs Flutlicht sets
id hardly class it as hard to be honest. its just techy and at times funky. if any1 wants to hear him dj theres a kaylab set from SSL Pick Up 16-12-02 that is the only one i can find but its a class set like oh and just listened to the organ donors vs uberdruck set, and the organ donors fuckin own that set. uberdruck just seems to do a lot of shit mixing while the others do all the scratching and fucking around. but its a class set to listen to, so much energy
I know... we saw behind the decks about an hour later.... was like , she play'd a good set @ TW4, think she'd had to be booked for Quality though. I would go.
Will do. Check some of the other sets from that nite as well, think there is a tom Harding vs ? set and a yoji set kicking around
Nice1, i'll check them, I aint heard a recent Yoji set for a while. I doubt his Dance Valley 2002 CD will ever be beaten tho. Bosh
lady dana is fuckin superb! i like a bit of hard style and she is the one to deliver the best of it! i seen her at dance valley lastyear and i was amazed.. id love to see her at quality! im also gona put a good word in for the organ doners who also played exlnt...the scratching from the organdoners, kicks ass over any haliwell!!!